
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于PSO算法和移动Agent的WSN路径优化研究


2860    2016-01-19



作者:张珊靓, 赵浩婕

作者单位:安阳工学院, 河南 安阳 455000

关键词:粒子群算法; 移动Agent; 路径; 无线传感网络


研究了基于PSO(particle swarm optimizing)算法对无线传感器网络中移动Agent迁移路径进行优化的方法。针对传统C/S模型网络中传感器节点需要直接发送数据给Sink节点导致节点能量消耗过大等问题,提出一种采用移动Agent根据路径选择访问节点并将融合后的数据发送给Sink节点的方法,并给出了一种通过PSO算法对路径进行优化的改进方法。实验证明:该方法能够有效降低网络能耗和提高网络生存时间。

Research on WSN path optimization based on PSO algorism and mobile Agent

ZHANG Shan-liang, ZHAO Hao-jie

Anyang Institute of Technology, Anyang 455000, China

Abstract: The path optimizing method for the wireless sensor network(WSN) is researched based on PSO algorism and mobile agent. The traditional C/S model has the defect of uneven energy consumption due to the sensor node has to transfer the data directly to sink node, a method has been developed to overcome this shortcoming, which use mobile agent to get and then fuse the data of node. And an improved method using PSO algorism to optimize the path also has been presented. The experimental results show the method can effectively deduce the energy consumption and improve the life time of the network.

Keywords: particle swarm optimizing; mobile agent; path; wireless sensor network

2012, 38(4): 93-95  收稿日期: 2012-3-30;收到修改稿日期: 2012-5-24


作者简介: 张珊靓(1979-),女,河南安阳市人,讲师,主要从事计算机应用、网络工作。


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