
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>红外测温系统在航空发动机轮盘试验中的应用


2371    2016-01-19



作者:徐锐1, 徐红琴2, 沈献绍1, 曹昆华2, 张宗林1

作者单位:1. 解放军驻黎阳机械公司军事代表室, 贵州 平坝 561102;
2. 中航工业贵州航空发动机研究所, 贵州 平坝 561102

关键词:红外测温; 航空发动机; 测量准确度; 发射率; 热电偶; 确定



Application of infrared temperature measurement system in aeroengine turbine disk test

XU Rui1, XU Hong-qin2, SHEN Xian-shao1, CAO Kun-hua2, ZHANG Zong-Lin1

1. The PLA Representation Office at Liyang Machinery Company, Pingba 561102, China;
2. AVIC Guizhou AeroEngine Institute, Pingba 561102, China

Abstract: This paper discussed the basic theory of infrared temperature measurement and the working principle of infrared radiation thermometers. The authors designed and developed the non-contract infrared temperature measurement system suitable for aeroengine turbine disk test, analyzed the main factors which influence the measuring accuracy of the infrared temperature measurement system and researched the calibration method of emissivity. Test verification was carried out under the conditions of the turbine disk in static and in rotation respectively. The results showed that the most important factor which influences measuring accuracy of the infrared temperature measurement system was emissivity and the method of calibrating the emissivity with thermocouple is feasible and the emissivity of stationary state was same with its rotation station. The emissivity calibrated at stationary state can be used to measure the temperature of the aeroengine turbine disk at rotation station.

Keywords: infrared temperature measurement; aeroengine; measuring accuracy; emissivity; thermocouple; calibration

2012, 38(4): 32-35  收稿日期: 2011-8-7;收到修改稿日期: 2011-11-13


作者简介: 徐锐(1981-),男,陕西礼泉县人,工程师,硕士,主要从事航空发动机试验测试质量监督工作。


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