
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于轴角转换的火炮伺服测试技术


2906    2016-01-19



作者:杨传顺, 段超, 江楠

作者单位:江苏自动化研究所, 江苏 连云港 222006

关键词:轴角转换; 火炮; 伺服; 自整角机; 数字-自整角机转换器; 伺服测试; 正弦运动



Artillery servo testing technology based on axis angle conversion

YANG Chuan-shun, DUAN Chao, JIANG Nan

Jiangsu Automation Research Institute, Lianyungang 222006, China

Abstract: For the features of modern artillery servo motors are usually used synchro, the authors proposed a testing technology for artillery servo based on axis angle conversion. The servo test system was composed of the microprocessor and digital to synchro converter. The digital angle information was installed by the microprocessor, and converted to the two-speed of coarse and fine analog angle information by the digital to synchro converter, then sent them to the artillery servo. Barrel was rotated to the corresponding angle when it was driven by the servo, and the actual and theoretical values were compared and analyzed with statistical method, then the accuracy, sensitivity and response speed of the artillery servo were investigated. The test system can complete various test exercise, including step, square wave, constant, sinusoidal and other forms of exercise, and has some advantages such as simple structure, flexible operation, and high reliability. It is a good model to the angle control system whose servo motor is use of synchro.

Keywords: axis angle conversion; artillery; servo; synchro; digital to synchro converter; servo test; sinusoidal motion

2012, 38(6): 83-86  收稿日期: 2012-3-13;收到修改稿日期: 2012-5-2


作者简介: 杨传顺(1978-),男,山东巨野县人,工程师,硕士,主要从事计算机控制和系统工程工作。


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