
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>瓶装液化石油气净含量检验规则探讨


2655    2016-01-23




作者单位:汕头市质量计量监督检测所, 广东汕头 515041

关键词:瓶装液化石油气; 净含量; 检验规则; 残液允许量; 空瓶瓶重; 允许误差



Inspection rules discussion of net content of bottled liquefied petroleum gas

LIU Qi-min

Shantou Institute of Supervision and Test of Quality and Metrology, Shantou 515041, China

Abstract: Because of deficiency of relevance technology law and regulation, the market order is confusion of the bottled liquefied petroleum gas. The rights and interests of consumers have infringed upon, even the authority of law-enforcing organs is questioned. By analysis of testing method currently, the starting point of the net content of the bottled liquefied petroleum gas (vacuum or standard state), the permissible error of empty bottles and permissible amounts of raffinate were discussed, and put forward a new testing method, namely the method of evacuate the bottle. It's used as a source of reference to constitute the inspection rules of the bottled liquefied petroleum gas.

Keywords: Bottled liquefied petroleum gas; Net content; Inspection rules; Permissible amounts of raffinate; Weight of empty bottles; Permissible error

2008, 34(6): 129-131  收稿日期: 2008-5-9;收到修改稿日期: 2008-8-6


作者简介: 刘启敏(1976-),男,广东汕头市人,工程师,主要从事计量部分的技术保障工作。


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