
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>PLC数字折页机纸张自动预置控制系统设计


2294    2016-01-23




作者单位:北京万博在线网络信息技术有限公司, 北京 100097

关键词:PLC控制器; 传感器; 触摸屏; 控制



PLC-based automatic control system design of digital foldout machines for prefabricated paper specification

PAN Ying-zhang

Beijing Web-online Net Information Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing 100097, China

Abstract: In order to improve the automatic control system of digital foldout machine for prefabricated paper specification, the technology of PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and capacitive sensor were used. The basic working principle, constitution of hardware, and design process of software were introduced in detail. The communication of human-machine interface was realized by touch screen in the system. The data were collected and converted by the high accurate capacitive sensor and its suited instruments used to measure and check. The function of prefabrication for paper specification was realized by the stepping motor which was driven by PLC. And the experimental results indicated this function was successfully realized. Additionally, the application procedure and the experimental results were given in this article.

Keywords: PLC; Sensor; Touch screen; Control

2008, 34(6): 57-61  收稿日期: 2008-4-3;收到修改稿日期: 2008-7-15


作者简介: 潘英章(1969-),男,江苏镇江市人,工程师,主要从事计算机应用、工业控制系统的开发以及系统集成工作。


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