
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于聚类分析的车牌字符识别方法与应用


2136    2016-01-23




作者单位:淮阴工学院交通工程系, 江苏淮安 223003

关键词:归一化; 特征提取; 聚类分析; 神经网络; 字符识别



Method and application of license plate recognition base on cluster analysis

HUANG Wen-jie

Department of Transportation Engineering, Huiyin Institute of Technology, Huai'an 223003, China

Abstract: In the application of license plate recognition, the inherent defaults of the improved BP neural network algorithm couldn't be overcome thoroughly when it was only used. Thus, the Chinese characters and the English letters plus the numbers should be recognized separately with the methods of the cluster analysis and neural network independently, which would accelerate the speed of the license plate recognition in order to satisfy the demands of immediacy and accuracy in the system of expressway toll-collection. The experimental results showed that the recognition accuracies of letters and numbers were 97.0%, that of Chinese characters was 90.1%, and the time for recognizing each license plate was less than 3 s. This method utilized the stability of the recognition algorithm of BP Neural Network, and took the real-time need of expressway toll into consideration at the same time.

Keywords: Normalization; Extracting characteristic; Cluster analysis; Neural network; Character recognition

2008, 34(4): 76-80  收稿日期: 2007-11-27;收到修改稿日期: 2008-2-4


作者简介: 黄文杰(1977-),男,江苏南京市人,硕士,专业方向为图像识别、图像重构、模式识别、交通工程。


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