
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>茶叶中的多酚类物质及其分析方法综述


2356    2016-01-23



作者:谭和平1, 邹燕1,2, 叶善蓉1, 陈丽1

作者单位:1. 中国测试技术研究院, 四川成都 610021;
2. 四川大学化工学院, 四川成都 610064

关键词:多酚; 定量分析; 测定; 高效液相色谱; 茶



Review of tea polyphenols analyses for tea

TAN He-ping1, ZOU Yan1,2, YE Shan-rong1, CHEN Li1

1. National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China;
2. College of Chemistry and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China

Abstract: Tea polyohenols and the present research status of their determinations were reviewed in this article, and the primary determination methods of tea polyohenols were systematically introduced, some of them such as KMnO4 titration method, spectrophotometry, infrared spectroscopy, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and so on were discussed. According to the above, a method with HPLC-DAD-MS was proposed to determine most polyohenols in tea simultaneously, which is stable, rapid and more useful.

Keywords: Tea polyohenols; Quantitative analysis; Determination; HPLC; Tea

2008, 34(4): 4-11  收稿日期: 2008-1-6;收到修改稿日期: 2008-3-22

基金项目: 国家科技条件平台(2004DEA71180)

作者简介: 谭和平(1957-),男,重庆市人,研究员,从事茶树育种、生理生化研究。


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