
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>医用运动平板速度检测装置研制


2817    2016-09-18



作者:蒋雪萍1, 汪新新2, 胡佳成2, 李东升2

作者单位:1. 杭州市质量技术监督检测院, 浙江 杭州 310019;
2. 中国计量大学计量测试工程学院, 浙江 杭州 310018



医用运动平板是一种诊断冠心病的医疗器械,国内尚无检测其速度的装置。为此,根据浙江省地方技术法规JJF 11042014《运动平板分析仪校准规范》中提出的速度检测装置最大允许误差为1.0%的要求。通过在运动平板表面粘贴白色色标,色标随跑步带经过两色标传感器,传感器的输出电平会发生跳变,单片机采集两次电平跳变的时间间隔来计算运动平板的速度;同时,该装置的调节机构能够调节两个传感器的高度和角度以满足不同高度和角度的运动平板。实验结果表明:该装置能够在不拆卸运动平板的前提下,实现对医用运动平板的速度检测,且装置的准确度达0.80%,符合运动平板速度检测装置的技术指标要求。

Development of velocity detecting device for medical exercise treadmill

JIANG Xueping1, WANG Xinxin2, HU Jiacheng2, LI Dongsheng2

1. Hangzhou Institute of Technology Testing and Calibration, Hangzhou 310019, China;
2. College of Measurement Test Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China

Abstract: Medical exercise treadmill is a medical apparatus for coronary heart disease (CHD) diagnosis, whose velocity cannot be detected by any devices in China for now. According to JJF (Zhejiang) 1104-2014 Calibration Specification for Exercise Treadmill Analyzer, Zhejiang provincial technical regulations, the maximum allowable error of velocity detecting devices is ±1.0%. Stick a white mark onto the surface of an exercise treadmill and send it onto the treadmill belt to go through two color mark sensors. The output level of the sensors will change. The velocity of the exercise treadmill can be calculated by the time interval between two level changes collected by MCU. At the same time, the heights and angles of the two sensors can be adjusted by its regulating mechanism in order to satisfy needs of exercising at different height and angle. Results show that the device can realize velocity detection for medical exercise treadmill on the condition that it is not dismantled. The precision of device reaches 0.80%, which meets the technical indicators of velocity detecting device for exercise treadmill.

Keywords: medical metrology;velocity detecting;medical exercise treadmill;color mark sensor

2016, 42(8): 73-76,92  收稿日期: 2016-3-18;收到修改稿日期: 2016-4-13

基金项目: 浙江省质监系统科研计划项目(20150235)

作者简介: 蒋雪萍(1966-),女,浙江杭州市人,高级工程师,主要从事医学计量检测与校准方法的研究。


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