
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>压杆测压系统的快速补偿技术


2578    2016-11-11



作者:王昭, 杨军, 李焰, 张敏, 张德志, 田耕, 吴祖堂

作者单位:西北核技术研究所, 陕西 西安 710024



该文针对长距离压杆测压系统的频谱带宽不足问题,在常规电缆补偿技术的基础上,提出一种系统整体补偿方法。设计相应的补偿电路,利用Multisim电路仿真软件进行辅助设计和优化,同时利用扫频方法和阶跃响应方法估算系统的带宽,通过现场测试,补偿后测试系统的带宽达到约600 kHz,输出信号幅值为原系统的1/2,满足压杆测压系统的带宽需求。制作相应的补偿器,测试得到补偿前后系统的幅频曲线和阶跃响应曲线,两种曲线均证明补偿后系统的带宽优于补偿前系统带宽,说明系统整体补偿方法的有效性,为现场测试系统的频谱快速补偿提供参考。

Rapid compensation of pressure bar system

WANG Zhao, YANG Jun, LI Yan, ZHANG Min, ZHANG Dezhi, TIAN Geng, WU Zutang

Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi'an 710024, China

Abstract: The bandwidth of measurement system with long transmission lines was shortage for the pressure bar system.A compensation method for the integrated system was proposed based on conventional compensation method.And the compensation circuit was designed and optimized by using the circuit simulation software of Multisim.The transmission bandwidth of after-compensation system could reach 600 kHz and amplitude of signal could be 1/2 of the original one,which satisfied the requirements of the pressure bar system.The compensator was made,and the amplitude-frequency and step response curves before and after compensation proved that the bandwidth was expanded,and the compensation method was rapid and available.

Keywords: pressure bar;measurement;bandwidth compensation;filter

2016, 42(10): 128-131  收稿日期: 2016-3-15;收到修改稿日期: 2016-4-29


作者简介: 王 昭(1985-),男,陕西西安市人,工程师,博士研究生,主要从事力学测试技术工作。


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