
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>一种用仿真设计的可变喷嘴换向器研究


2892    2017-01-12



作者:王海, 汪斌, 沈晓曼, 杨照, 黄奕欣

作者单位:中国测试技术研究院, 四川 成都 610021




Research on a variable nozzle design and simulation of the commutator

WANG Hai, WANG Bin, SHEN Xiaoman, YANG Zhao, HUANG Yixin

National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu 610021, China

Abstract: In the process of designing and construction for standard liquid flow device based on quality method, geometric dimensions and specifications of different diverter groups were determined according to the weighing range. The traditional manufacturing method usually uses historical data, rare literature designs diverter and its nozzle based on the principle of diverter. This paper tried to calculate the range of flow nozzle and the diameter of inlet pipe, get the appropriate nozzle size by simulation calculation, allocate water separator and driving device reasonably, improve the nozzle exit velocity uniformity, reduce the error sources of standard flow device. By comparing the simulation results with the experimental data, the results obtained have good agreement. The results show that the design of flow diverter by the guide of simulation is scientific and reasonable.

Keywords: the standard device of liquid flowmeter;flow nozzle;variable outlet opening;simulation of flow field

2016, 42(12): 91-94  收稿日期: 2016-03-15;收到修改稿日期: 2016-05-07


作者简介: 王海(1977-),男,四川自贡市人,工程师,主要从事流量计量检测与计量标准装置设计开发。


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