
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>雷达回波存储设备的信号完整性研究


2596    2017-03-09



作者:范国浩1,2, 杨少博1,2, 张艳兵1,2, 马铁华1,2

作者单位:1. 中北大学 电子测试技术国家重点实验室, 山西 太原 030051;
2. 中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室, 山西 太原 030051




Research on signal integrity of radar echo storage equipment

FAN Guohao1,2, YANG Shaobo1,2, ZHANG Yanbing1,2, MA Tiehua1,2

1. National Key Laboratory for Electronic Measurement Technology, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement of Ministry of Education, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China

Abstract: A high-speed radar echo storage system was designed and in view of the many factors that may affect the signal transmission integrity in the system design process, a variety of preventive measures were taken. From the main component selection, PCB locating and wiring, stack design and PCB design and manufacturing, IBIS model and Cadence simulation software were combined to analyze and study the problems of signal integrity differential pair reflection encountered in the radar echo storage system. On the basis of analysis on difference transmission line theory, a group of differential pair at high-speed interface was selected to extracts its topological structure. Analysis and eye pattern simulation were conducted for the signals received before and after termination matching. Experimental results show that using ESD chip for termination processing can reduce the jitter and external noise and neat the eye pattern. These measures can ensure reliability of the actual storage device and provide a useful reference for engineering practices.

Keywords: radar echo;storage test;signal integrity;difference pair;IBIS model

2017, 43(2): 139-144  收稿日期: 2016-05-10;收到修改稿日期: 2016-08-30


作者简介: 范国浩(1991-),男,山西汾阳市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为智能仪器与动态测试。


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