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4458    2019-02-28



作者:王之哲, 陈勇国, 陈思, 王小强

作者单位:工业和信息化部电子第五研究所, 广东 广州 510610



目前国内缺乏专门针对四象限探测器的测试标准,导致在实际测试中存在参数不统一、测试体系不完善等问题。该文从四象限探测器的工作原理出发,分析四象限探测器关键参数及其定义,研究形成四象限探测器关键参数的测试方法,并选取一款四象限APD探测器组件开展测试验证,对比分析不同工作温度对产品噪声、上升时间、下降时间等关键参数的影响。样品各象限响应度不小于1.40×105 V/W,象限间响应一致性超过96%;各象限噪声均为1.09 mV,表现出良好的性能。同时样品的噪声与其工作温度成正比;当工作温度为25℃时,组件上升时间与下降时间均最短,响应速度最快。实验结果表明形成的测试方法合理可行,能够为四象限探测器的测试及评价提供借鉴和参考。

Testing method of four-quadrant photodetectors
WANG Zhizhe, CHEN Yongguo, CHEN Si, WANG Xiaoqiang
CEPREI, Guangzhou 510610, China
Abstract: There is no special test standard for the four-quadrant photodetectors, which leads to the non-uniform parameters and imperfect test system in the actual test.Key parameters of four-quadrant photodetectors have been determined by analyzing their working mechanism, and a testing method of four-quadrant photodetectors has been proposed in this paper. Verification has been accomplished by choosing a four-quadrant APD photodetector module, and the effect of different working temperatures on the noise, rise time and fall time of the product has been analyzed. A good performance of the four-quadrant photodetector is achieved, with a responsivity of more than 1.40×105 V/W and a noise of 1.09 mV for every quadrant, a consistency of responsivity of more than 96%. Meanwhile, the noise of the device increases as the working temperature is rising, and the optimal response speed is achieved at the working temperature of 25℃ with the least rise time and fall time. The results have indicated that the proposed testing method of four-quadrant photodetectors is reasonable, which is instructive for the test and evaluation of four-quadrant photodetectors.
Keywords: applied optics;four-quadrant photodetectors;testing method;laser tracking
2019, 45(2):1-6  收稿日期: 2018-03-13;收到修改稿日期: 2018-04-25
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2017YFB0503200);广州市产学研协同创新重大专项(201604046021);共性技术项目(JAD1659140)
作者简介: 王之哲(1988-),男,浙江金华市人,工程师,博士,主要从事光电器件检测与可靠性评价等相关工作
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