
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>0.1级钟罩式气体流量标准装置的研究


2928    2019-04-02



作者:刘辰魁, 屈宏强, 陈世砚, 牛立娜, 邢静芳

作者单位:河北省计量监督检测研究院, 河北 石家庄 050000



简要介绍钟罩式气体流量标准装置的组成及工作原理,通过构建数学模型对影响钟罩装置计量准确性因素进行分析、归类,旨在对高精度钟罩装置整体设计进行理论研究,试图提供系统、全面的设计方案。该方案从环境技术设计、机械结构设计和测量控制设计3个方面着手,通过理论探索、受力分析、模型搭建、机械加工、软件优化、组装测试等环节的研究,旨在研制一套高精度钟罩式气体流量标准装置。该钟罩装置有效容积达2 000 L,流量测量扩展不确定度为Ur=0.08%,k=2。该装置的研制方案具有条理清晰、系统可靠、可复现性等特点,为高精度钟罩式气体流量标准装置的建立提供范例。

Study of standard bell prover of gas flow with 0.1 level
LIU Chenkui, QU Hongqiang, CHEN Shiyan, NIU Lina, XING Jingfang
Institute of Metrology of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang 050000, China
Abstract: The composition and working principle of the standard bell prover of gas flow are introduced briefly.The factors affecting the measurement accuracy of bell prover device are analyzed and classified through the construction of mathematical models. The aim is to conduct theoretical research on the overall design of high-precision bell prover device, and try to provide a systematic and comprehensive design scheme. The program is designed from environmental technology, mechanical structure and measurement control aiming to develop a set of high-precision standard bell prover of gas flow through theoretical exploration, force analysis, model building, machining, software optimization, assembly testing and other aspects. The device has an effective volume of 2 000 L, and the extended uncertainty of flow measurement is 0.08% (k=2). The design of the device is clarity, reliability and reproducibility, which provides an example for the establishment of high-precision standard bell prover of gas flow.
Keywords: bell;gas flow;standard device;uncertainty
2019, 45(3):80-88  收稿日期: 2018-05-23;收到修改稿日期: 2018-06-28
基金项目: 河北省科技支撑计划项目(13251708D);河北省省属科研院所奖励性后补助项目(15256230H)
作者简介: 刘辰魁(1966-),男,河北石家庄市人,高级工程师,主要从事流量计量方面的研究
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