
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>一种车辆制动力实时检测方法研究


2807    2019-04-02



作者:高强, 程意, 严鹏飞, 张保成, 闫宏伟

作者单位:中北大学机械工程学院, 山西 太原 030051



为实现汽车在制动过程中制动力准确地实时检测,该文提出一种变温度变摩擦系数的制动力实时监测方法——温差算法。此算法以摩擦系数与温度的关系为依据,基于制动盘内侧温度和摩擦面温度差值变化规律,通过循环迭代计算出制动过程中的实时摩擦系数,完成对制动器处制动力实时检测,使用Ansys Workbench对制动盘进行热力耦合有限元分析,模拟摩擦制动过程中温度变化情况,并基于温度数据对温差算法系数进行拟合。最后使用Matlab Simulink对温差算法进行仿真,结果表明:当输入动态的温度参数时,可以输出实时制动力数据,并且数据满足制动力变化规律。

Study on a real-time detection method of vehicle braking force
GAO Qiang, CHENG Yi, YAN Pengfei, ZHANG Baocheng, YAN Hongwei
College of Mechanical Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China
Abstract: In order to realize the accurate real-time detection of the vehicle braking force in the braking process, a dynamic real-time monitoring method, temperature difference algorithm, is proposed in this paper. Based on the relationship between the friction coefficient and the temperature, the real-time friction coefficient in the braking process is calculated on the basis of the inner temperature of the brake disc and the difference of the temperature difference between the friction surface. The real-time detection of brake force is realized. The thermal coupling finite element analysis of the brake disc was carried out by Ansys Workbench, and the temperature variation in the friction braking process was simulated, and the temperature difference algorithm coefficient was fitted based on the temperature data. Finally, the algorithm is checked by Matlab Simulink, the results show that the real-time braking force data can be output when the dynamic temperature parameters are input, and the data can meet the slip condition.
Keywords: braking force;real-time detection;friction coefficient;thermo mechanical coupling
2019, 45(3):53-58  收稿日期: 2018-07-18;收到修改稿日期: 2018-09-01
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51275487);山西省重点研发计划社会发展项目(201603D321117)
作者简介: 高强(1975-),男,山西太原市人,副教授,研究方向为机电液系统状态检测和智能控制
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