
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>指针式电学三表自动检定系统研制


2743    2019-04-28



作者:曾舒帆, 李亚娟, 朱自科, 陈万才, 张自长, 张颖超

作者单位:云南省计量测试技术研究院, 云南 昆明 650228




Development of automatic verification system of pointer type electrical meter
ZENG Shufan, LI Yajuan, ZHU Zike, CHEN Wancai, ZHANG Zichang, ZHANG Yingchao
Yunnan Institute of Measuring and Testing Technology, Kunming 650228, China
Abstract: According to the requirement of automatic testing of pointer meter, this paper design and build an electrical meter automatic verification system, designed a series of automatic control mechanism to meet the automatic hardware control demand, put forward the application of inter frame difference method, Hough transform and threshold silhouette successive approximation method to achieve real-time dynamic pointer recognition algorithm to realize real-time dynamic recognition of pointer movement.The method of converting pointer information into angle proposed in this paper can meet the need of accurate and fast real-time pointer recognition. The automatic verification system can replace the traditional database,and establish database and data processing system for data processing, and realize the automatic verification of pointer instrument as a whole. The comprehensive error of the system test is better than 0.03%.
Keywords: pointer meter;automatic verification;inter frame difference silhouette method;Hough transform;threshold successive approximation method
2019, 45(4):104-108  收稿日期: 2018-05-08;收到修改稿日期: 2018-09-08
基金项目: 国家质检公益性行业科研专项(201410133)
作者简介: 曾舒帆(1982-),男,云南昆明市人,高级工程师,硕士,主要从事电学计量科研工作
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