
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>试样表面处理对激光法导热测量的影响


2623    2019-04-28



作者:赵瑾, 邹涛, 陈宇迪, 郭姝

作者单位:北京市理化分析测试中心, 北京 100087




Effect of sample surface-treatments on thermal conductivity measurement by laser method
ZHAO Jin, ZOU Tao, CHEN Yudi, GUO Shu
Beijing Center for Physical & Chemical Analysis, Beijing 100087, China
Abstract: Founded on the principle of one-dimensional ideal heat conduction process in adiabatic condition, the test questions caused by sample state during thermal conductivity measurement by laser method were analyzed and the optimal method of sample surface-treatment was concluded. According to the thickness, surface state, reflectivity and transmittance of the sample, the specific methods of sample surface-treatment under the three basic modes of single layer vertical, single level and double vertical were determined, and the test results were compared. Experimental results show that accurate measurements of sample thickness and prediction of the specimen critical minimum thickness are the main factors during the test. The method of conversion between single vertical and single horizontal measurement mode can greatly reduce the test error. Spraying method according to the reflectivity and transmittance can promote accuracy in results. In this paper, feasible method of sample surface-treatment is systematically demonstrated in principle and practice,which can provides more testing solutions for the laser thermal conductivity measurement.
Keywords: LFA;laser flash method;thermal conductivity;thermal diffusivity
2019, 45(4):53-57  收稿日期: 2018-01-07;收到修改稿日期: 2018-02-19
作者简介: 赵瑾(1983-),女,山东青岛市人,助理研究员,硕士,主要从事材料热性能、热物性测试研究
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