
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>小型智能旋转弹测试系统研究


2663    2019-05-28



作者:杨文卿, 李杰, 姜海洋, 李文豪

作者单位:中北大学 仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室, 山西 太原 030051




Research on the test system of the small intelligent rotating bomb
YANG Wenqing, LI Jie, JIANG Haiyang, LI Wenhao
Key Laboratory of Instrumentation Science & Dynamic Measurement(North University of China), Ministry of Education, Taiyuan 030051, China
Abstract: In order to solve the problems, of which the low storage space utilization efficiency is caused by the method of fixed partition or non-partition of the traditional test storage subsystem, of which is unable to satisfy the requirements of long time recording of flight trajectory and other operational parameters, and of which the effective data can not be extracted quickly, a small intelligent test system for rotating projectile is developed, which synthetically utilize the structure isolation partition protection technology, FPGA variable partition storage technology and host computer information exchange technology. The experiment shows that the test system can work in severe environment such as high overload and ultra-high speed, complete big date's long time storage, with the limited storage space, and can quickly extract the operational parameters of the tested bomb. It lays a foundation for the test researches of small intelligent rotary bomb, and has certain practical value in engineering.
Keywords: ammunition test;variable partitioning;data storage;information interaction
2019, 45(5):105-109  收稿日期: 2018-09-10;收到修改稿日期: 2018-10-14
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51575500)
作者简介: 杨文卿(1992-),男,河北唐山市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为测试计量
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