
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>飞机轮速信号测试方法研究


3890    2019-07-26



作者:艾波, 闫文宇, 李长江, 任晓斌

作者单位:中国飞行试验研究院, 陕西 西安 710089




Research on testing method of aircraft wheel speed signal
AI Bo, YAN Wenyu, LI Changjiang, REN Xiaobin
Chinese Flight Test Establishment, Xi'an 710089, China
Abstract: In order to solve the problem of missing data, unsmooth step of curve and turn-to-zero of data in the test of wheel speed signal of an aircraft, the principle of test of wheel speed signal and the composition of test system are analyzed. Considering the characteristics of the wheel speed signal to be tested,the optimized test method of wheel speed signal is proposed. The backup design, DC isolation, cycle testing, and index optimization are included. Besides, a signal link detection scheme is designed in accordance with the characteristics of the wheel speed signal on the ground state. The verification results of flight test show that the backup data error is less than 0.5%, and the data curve of the wheel speed is smooth. Also the turn-to-zero phenomenon of data is eliminated. And the signal link detection scheme of wheel speed signal is feasible, which is helpful for pre-flight inspection in test flight.
Keywords: flight test;wheel speed;optimization;link detection
2019, 45(7):25-30  收稿日期: 2019-01-09;收到修改稿日期: 2019-02-17
作者简介: 艾波(1988-),男,陕西渭南市人,工程师,硕士,主要从事试飞机载测试工作
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