
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>ICP-AES/ICP-MS快速测定垃圾焚烧飞灰样品中金属元素含量


3843    2019-09-29



作者:巩海娟, 谢芸欣, 段英楠

作者单位:吉林省地质科学研究所, 吉林 长春 130021




Rapid determination of metal elements in waste incineration fly ash samples by ICP-AES/ICP-MS
GONG Haijuan, XIE Yunxin, DUAN Yingnan
Jilin Institute of Geological Sciences, Changchun 130021, China
Abstract: Accurate analysis of metal content and pollution characteristics of elements of fly ashprovides important scientific basis for comprehensive utilization of resources. A method for the determination of metal elements in waste incineration fly ash samples by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) with HNO3+HF+HClO4 system was established. The national standard substance GBW07423 was used to simulate the fly ash samples with complex matrix. The accuracy and precision of the method were verified and the process quality control was carried out. The results show that the linear fitting of each element is good, and the analysis results are in good agreement with the standard values. In actual sample analysis, the relative standard deviation of ICP-AES test is 0.76%-6.91%, which of ICP-MS test is 0.50%-3.40%. The precision of the method is good. The method has the advantages of simple pretreatment process, simultaneous determination of multiple elements, wide linear range and high analysis efficiency, and can be used for the analysis of metal elements in fly ash samples of different types of waste incineration.
Keywords: ICP-AES;ICP-MS;fly ash;waste incineration;metal elements
2019, 45(9):54-59  收稿日期: 2019-04-19;收到修改稿日期: 2019-05-27
作者简介: 巩海娟(1979-),女,山西永济市人,高级工程师,硕士,从事电感耦合等离子体质谱仪分析测试和质量控制研究
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