
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>自供电无线振动传感器网络的双模组振动能量收集与管理方法


2942    2019-09-29



作者:李俊, 汤宝平, 舒云龙, 肖鑫

作者单位:重庆大学 机械传动国家重点实验室, 重庆 400030



针对自供电无线振动传感器网络节点在高、低功耗模式下能量供应等待周期长或容量不足的问题,提出一种双模组振动能量收集与管理方法。设计小能量存储容量模组和大能量存储容量模组,小能量存储容量模组蓄能周期短,大能量存储容量模组蓄能容量大。在每个模组中,欠压闭锁电路断开后级电路通路将能量阻断,然后蓄积于电解电容,降压稳压电路降压转换电解电容的高电压能量并存储于超级电容,能源状态监测电路监测超级电容的能源状态,无线振动传感器网络节点微处理器获得能源状态信息后,根据后续工作的能量供应需求启用不同的蓄能模组。实验结果表明:双模组振动能量收集与管理电路最短蓄能周期仅6 min,完全启动双模组的情况下每个蓄能周期提供高达4.19 J的能量,能够驱动无线振动传感器网络节点正常工作。

Method of dual modules energy harvesting and management for self-powered wireless vibration sensor network
LI Jun, TANG Baoping, SHU Yunlong, XIAO Xin
The State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China
Abstract: To solve the problem of long waiting time or insufficient capacity for self-powered wireless vibration sensor network nodes in high or low power consumption condition, this paper proposed a new method of dual modules energy harvesting and management. A small and a large capacity module had been designed, in which the small one has the advantage of short cycle time of energy harvesting while the large one was equiped with a large energy storage capacity. In each module, the under voltage lockout circuit cuts the path to next circuit for storing energy in aluminium electrolytic capacitor, the buck voltage regulator regulates high voltage energy from aluminium electrolytic capacitor and stores it in supercapacitor, the energy monitoring and warning circuit monitors the energy status of supercapacitor, the microprocessor of wireless vibration sensor network nodes calls different energy harvesting module to power nodes according to the power demand of the comming task after gaining the energy status of supercapacitor. The experiment has proved that the minimum circle time of the dual modules energy harvesting and management circuit is only 6 minutes, and the circuit is able to provide sufficient energy up to 4.19 J in every cycle time when both modules are fully engaged, which is enough to power wireless vibration sensor network nodes to work normally.
Keywords: self-power;wireless sensor network;dual modules;energy harvesting and management
2019, 45(9):76-83  收稿日期: 2019-03-03;收到修改稿日期: 2019-04-01
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51675067,51775065)
作者简介: 李俊(1994-),男,贵州龙里县人,硕士研究生,专业方向为自供电无线传感器网络
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