
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>介电常数法评定舰用汽轮机油分水性能研究


3255    2019-09-29



作者:王建华, 张博

作者单位:中国人民解放军92228部队, 北京 100072




Investigation on water separation characteristics of ship turbine oils based on dielectric constant method
WANG Jianhua, ZHANG Bo
Unit No. 92228 of PLA, Beijing 100072, China
Abstract: Based on the physical relation between dielectric constant and electric capacity volume, and the oil-water mixture dielectric constant and water separation change law, the water separation characteristics of mainstream ship turbine oils were estimated by dielectric constant method. Oils' demulsification time and moisture content of oils layer after oil-water separation were estimated. They were analyzed that the relation between change rate of electric capacity volume and water separation time and SEM of oils layer after oil-water separation. The results shows that it is dielectric constant method that can determine the turbine oils' demulsification time, which has a good repeatability; because of the poor anti water scrubbing performance of a sort of constituent in some turbine oils, changed ions will be brought in the dielectric.
Keywords: permittivity;turbine oil;water separation characteristic;estimation method
2019, 45(9):130-137  收稿日期: 2017-12-08;收到修改稿日期: 2018-11-16
作者简介: 王建华(1970-),男,江苏溧阳市人,研究员,博士,主要从事润滑设计、润滑剂研制以及润滑剂性能评定研究
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