
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>二维投影式光学传感器轴类零件测量研究


2987    2020-01-19



作者:郭天太1, 陆屹立1, 王雷2, 周欢辉2, 孔明1, 赵军1

作者单位:1. 中国计量大学计量测试工程学院, 浙江 杭州 310018;
2. 浙江双鸿智能设备有限公司, 浙江 台州 317500



针对各种轴类零件的测量问题,提出一种二维投影式光学测量方案。利用二维投影式光学传感器发射的平行LED光照射到物体表面,在物体后方形成与待测物体等大小的阴影。传感器使用二维CMOS对阴影进行捕捉后对其进行图像处理,得到测量数据,并对测量数据进行分析,得出测量结论。对试验的待测件进行测量后与其标准值进行对比,最大误差在0.01 mm以内,最大重复性在0.02 mm以内,判断准确率达99.8%,同时检测单个待测件用时少于10 s。该方法能够实现多尺寸同时测量,有效提高轴类零件测量速度,再配合机械手与传动机构,实现生产现场非接触在线测量,同时有效防止测量过程损伤零件。

Research on measurement of shaft parts based on two-dimensional projection optical sensor
GUO Tiantai1, LU Yili1, WANG Lei2, ZHOU Huanhui2, KONG Ming1, ZHAO Jun1
1. College of Metrological Technology and Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China;
2. ZheJiang ShuangHong Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., Taizhou 317500, China
Abstract: Aiming at the problem that measurement of shaft parts, a method based on two-dimensional projection optical sensor is proposed. By measuring the shadows produced by parallel light on object, forming a shadow equal to the size of the object behind the object. Obtaining experimental data by processing the image that the shadows of workpiece captured by two-dimensional CMOS. Analyzed the measured data to obtain measurement conclusions. The maximum error is less than 0.01 mm, the maximum repeatability error is less than 0.02 mm, and the judgment accuracy is 99.8%. At the same time, it takes less than 10 s to measure a single test piece. This method can achieve simultaneous multi-size measurement, improved the measuring speed of shaft parts. Cooperate with manipulator and transmission mechanism to achieve non-contact online measurement at the production site, and effectively prevent damage to parts during the measurement.
Keywords: two-dimensional optical sensor;online measurement;simultaneous measurement of multiple size;shaft parts
2020, 46(1):24-28  收稿日期: 2019-03-15;收到修改稿日期: 2019-05-13
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51476154,51404223)
作者简介: 郭天太(1968-),男,甘肃平凉市人,副教授,博士,研究方向为现代传感与精密测量
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