
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>产品表面缺陷检测系统设计与开发


2202    2020-06-22



作者:徐平, 沙从术

作者单位:河南工程学院土木工程学院, 河南 郑州 451191




Design and development of product surface defect detection system
XU Ping, SHA Congshu
College of Civil Engineering, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou 451191, China
Abstract: In order to be able to detect hole/crack defects on the product surface, a surface defect detection system based on structural light is proposed. Firstly, the structural light detection system was introduced. After obtaining the detection target point cloud data, the surface and defect point cloud can be divided based on different coordinate value. Then the number of holes and cracks is calculated using the k-means function and the holes and cracks point cloud obtained using the KDtree and knnsearch function. Therefore, the holes and cracks point are separated by minBoundingBox function based on the characteristics of hole with equal length of the circumscribed quadrilateral. Finally, the characteristic of the hole and crack are extracted using pdist and minBoundingBox function separately. The test results show that the system can realize the detection of surface hole/crack defects and the maximum error of the hole diameter is 3.03%, while the maximum error of the hole depth is 2.76%. Moreover, the maximum error of the crack is 3.63%. It shows that the measurement reliability is good and the system can provide an effective method for product defect detection.
Keywords: surface defect;structure light;dectection;design
2020, 46(6):34-38  收稿日期: 2019-12-26;收到修改稿日期: 2020-03-11
基金项目: 2018年河南省产学研合作项目(182107000005)
作者简介: 徐平(1980-),女,山东济南市人,讲师,硕士,主要研究方向为检测系统设计与开发
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