
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于URLLC的分布式光伏运维数据传输技术


1184    2021-11-23



作者:王文天1, 姜小涛1, 葛磊蛟2, 方磊1, 嵇文路1, 李泽平2

作者单位:1. 国网江苏省电力有限公司南京供电分公司,江苏 南京 210019;
2. 天津大学电气自动化与信息工程学院,天津 300072




Distributed PV maintenance data transmission technology based on URLLC
WANG Wentian1, JIANG Xiaotao1, GE Leijiao2, FANG Lei1, JI Wenlu1, LI Zeping2
1. Nanjing Power Supply Company of Sate Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210019, China;
2. School of Electrical and Information, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
Abstract: Current distributed photovoltaic (PV) system transmits maintenance data through cellular network. Although accuracy of data transmission is relatively stable, there are shortcomings such as high cellular data tariffs and non-line-of-sight links. Besides, with multiple points and wide, scattered and disorderly deployment of PV system, there are problems such as serious data delay and inability to resume transmission. Therefore, this paper considers unmanned aerial vehicle as a relay to solve the dilemma of distributed PV data transmission delay and achieve transmission under the requirements of ultra-reliability and low-latency communication (URLLC). Based on resource optimization model of UAV relay in distributed photovoltaic system, this paper further equates it to the problem of minimizing error rate under finite packet length regime. This paper proposes a resource allocation algorithm based on alternate optimization to find optimal packet length and UAV position to meet the reliability requirements of PV maintenance data transmission. It is proved that the proposed method has advantages of favorable convergence as well as lower complexity with compared to exhaustive search.
Keywords: distributed PV system;data acquisition;UAV relay;short packet;URLLC;convex optimization
2021, 47(11):127-133  收稿日期: 2021-07-26;收到修改稿日期: 2021-09-03
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划项目资助(2018YFB1500800);国网江苏省电力有限公司科技项目(J2020082)
作者简介: 王文天(1971-),男,江苏南京市人,高级政工师,硕士,研究方向为电力营销、分布式能源、智能用电及电力物联网技术等
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