
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>基于粒子群算法的地磁矢量测量系统一体化校正


1683    2022-06-22



作者:王振雄, 张琦, 潘孟春, 陈卓, 王泽, 任鑫田

作者单位:国防科技大学智能科学学院,湖南 长沙 410073



捷联式地磁矢量测量系统通常由三轴磁传感器和惯导构成,但是三轴磁传感器本身存在误差、惯导对磁传感器的磁干扰误差以及惯导和三轴磁传感器坐标系的非对准误差等因素限制捷联式矢量测量系统的测量精度。为提高捷联式地磁矢量测量系统的精度,该文通过分析捷联式地磁矢量测量系统各部分误差的特点,以地磁总量为约束,建立捷联式矢量测量系统的误差一体化校正模型,提出采用粒子群算法对模型中的校正参数进行求解,对实验数据进行校正,校正后合成总量和三分量的标准差分别由校正前的166.42 nT、11867.77 nT、11707.69 nT、12422.90 nT降为11.92 nT、17.51 nT、19.41 nT、7.9 nT,说明校正效果良好,表明该方法可有效的提高捷联式地磁矢量测量系统的精度。

Comprehensive calibration of geomagnetic vector measurement system based on PSO
WANG Zhenxiong, ZHANG Qi, PAN Mengchun, CHEN Zhuo, WANG Ze, REN Xintian
College of Intelligence Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
Abstract: Strap-down geomagnetic vector measurement system is composed of three-axis magnetic sensor and inertial navigation system, but three-axis magnetic sensor error, misalignment and inertial navigation system distortion lead to low accuracy. Thus, in order to improve the accuracy of strap-down geomagnetic vector measurement system, by analyzing the characteristics of the errors of each part, constrained by the total field, a comprehensive error calibration model for strap-down geomagnetic vector measurement system is established. Then, particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to estimate calibration parameters in the model. Experimental results shows that the standard deviation of total field and the vector field respectively reduced from 166.42 nT, 11867.77 nT, 11707.69 nT, 12422.90 nT before calibration to 11.92 nT, 17.51 nT, 19.41 nT, 7.9 nT after calibration, which demonstrates that the calibration performance is effective. The result shows that this method can improve the accuracy of strap-down geomagnetic vector measurement system.
Keywords: geomagnetic filed vector measurement;PSO;error calibration;interference compensation
2022, 48(6):13-17,25  收稿日期: 2021-04-27;收到修改稿日期: 2021-05-29
作者简介: 王振雄(1996-),男,河北张家口市人,硕士研究生,专业方向为地磁矢量测量
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