
首页> 《中国测试》期刊 >本期导读>检衡车及测速装置在动态汽车衡检定中的应用研究


2407    2016-01-19




作者单位:山西省计量监督检定测试所, 山西 太原 030002

关键词:动态汽车衡; 检衡车; 控制衡器; 车载液压起重尾板; 便携式车辆测速装置


介绍了车载液压起重尾板式专用检衡车的结构设计(包括车辆底盘、货箱改装和检定专用随车叉车等)、工作原理和操作使用方法,并比较说明同传统液压吊臂式检衡车相比较在开展动态汽车衡检定工作时的优越性,论述了便携式车辆测速装置在动态汽车衡动态称量参数检定中的具体应用。综合应用这两项新技术的专用检衡车设计合理、功能齐全、性能稳定,各项指标均满足JJG 907-2006对开展动态汽车衡计量检定的技术要求。

Study on applying value-check car and speed-measuring device to verify instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion

WANG Jian-xun

Shanxi Institute of Metrological Supervision and Testing Technology, Taiyuan 030002, China

Abstract: This paper introduced the structure design, working principle and operation method of the special value-check car of hydraulic lifting tailboard type(including the vehicle chassis, container conversion and special forklift for verification). Compared with the traditional hydraulic arm type of value-check car, it is superior in verification of instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion. And the authors discussed the specific application of the portable vehicle speed-measuring device in dynamic verification. The special value-check car that used two new technologies was reasonable designed. It is multifunctional and stable in performance, and all the parameters are accord with the related technical requirements of JJG 907-2006.

Keywords: instruments for weighing road vehicles in motion; value-check car; weight control instruments; hydraulic lifting tailboard; portable vehicle speed-measuring devices

2012, 38(3): 58-60  收稿日期: 2011-12-23;收到修改稿日期: 2012-2-26


作者简介: 王建勋(1972-),男,山西代县人,工程师,主要从事质量与衡器方面的计算测试技术研究工作。


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